
Wafeq supports authentication via two methods,

  • Private Key (recommended for accessing your own organization by your application)
  • OAuth Flow (recommended for building public third party integrations with Wafeq)

Authenticating API calls via API Key (Private Key)

To use private key authentication you will need Get your API Key from your Wafeq Developer console.

When making an API call to a Wafeq endpoint, you must use an Authorization header with Api-Key prefix followed by your API key.


curl --location \
--request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Api-Key <api_key>' \

Authenticating API calls via Access Token (OAuth2 Flow)

The OAuth2 flow allows you to create public apps that anyone can use.

To use OAuth2 flow authentication, you'll need to create an app by reaching out to our support. Once we create the app, we will share a client_id and client_secret that you will need for the authorization flow.

When making an API call to a Wafeq endpoint, you must use an Authorization header with Bearer prefix followed by the access token obtained by the OAuth flow.


curl --location \
--request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \

or you can visit oauth2-client-examples repository for demo apps implementing oauth flow with Wafeq.